Macular degenerance (Yellow spot disease)

Age-related deterioration of the visual center causes fogginess in the visual center. Reason of fogginess is the degeneration of macula which is a small region behind the eye. Macula helps you to see the small details of the focus point of your eyes.

Macular degeneration makes it difficult to do things that require sharp central vision like reading, driving and recognizing faces. It does not affect side vision therefore does not cause a complete blindness.

Macular degenerance (Yellow spot disease)

Macular degeneration has two types including wet and dry. The dry type is by far the most common version. Wet type is seen less common but it progresses faster and it is more dangerous.

Dry Type consists about 9 of every 10 macular degenaration cases. It progresses slowly and it causes the visual center to be more blurred or dull. Wet type consists about only 1 of every 10 macular degeneration cases. In months or even in weeks, it causes serious vision losses. Those who have the wet type initially has the dry type.

You may have one of these types in one eye as well as in both eyes.

Yellow Spot Diseases Test (The Amsler Grid Test)
Wear your reading glasses, if you normally use them and sit about 20 – 25 centimeters away from the screen.
Cover the left eye.
With the right eye, focus on the dark dot in the center of the grid.