Lazy EYE

Amblyopia is poor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during early childhood.
It’s sometimes called ‘’lazy eye’’.
Usually only one eye is affected by amblyopia, but it is possible for both eyes to be ‘’lazy’’.
The primary causes of amblyopia are strabismus, farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism and childhood cataract.
Early recognition and treatment of problem in children can help to prevent permanent vision loss. Patching strong eye is the basic treatment for amblyopia.

Treatment of Amblyopia

Cam Treatment
The age range of the treatment is 5-9 years. The treatment is based on eye patching and performed by using a special instrument called ‘’CAM Vision Stimulator’’. Total treatment is covering 10 séances and each séance is taking 30 minutes in the hospital. Patching eye treatment shall be continued during CAM treatment.

Neurovision Treatment:
Neurovision treatment is non-invasive, patient specific vision perceptual learning program based on vision stimulation and neural connection responsible for vision.
When Should Children Begin Getting Eye Exams?
Newborns should be checked for general eye health. First general check shall be done by a pediatrician in the hospital.
Children shall be examined by pediatrician or family physician at 6 months of age and at 18 months of age for general eye health. If eye problems are suspected during routine examinations, a referral might be made to an ophthalmologist. Within this period, if parents notice something unusual like constant eye rubbing, extreme light sensitivity and poor visual tracking(following an object),they should consult an ophthalmologist. High-risk newborns (including premature infants),those with a family history of eye problem, and those with obvious eye irregularities should be examined by an ophthalmologist at early age. Every child shall have first eye examination by an ophthalmologist at 3 years of age.